Frequently Asked Questions

How to edit names and numbers players ?

Simply click on names and numbers players , the cursor will be appear and you can modify them.

How to edit teams names and scores ?

Simply click on them, the cursor will be appear and you can modify them.

Can we move players ?

Yes, you can. You can select them by clicking on, they will be highlighted and by using a drag and drop gesture you can move them. Or, you can open the right panel. In the right panel, you can select a team and select a tactic. After selections, press the 'Ok' button to complete operation.

I can't see or change a name because there is another player name that hides that name ?

You can open the "Movements" panel and you can rotate the pitch, choose a view (Top view, 3/4 view ...). In that way you could find a better point of view. Or you can open the right panel, you can select a team and select her visibility in the Hide-it field. After selections, press the 'Ok' button to complete operation.

Can I change teams colors ?

Yes, you can. You can open the right panel and you can select a team and select a color. After selections, press the "Ok" button to complete operation.

Can we apply instructions to players ?

Yes, you should. You can open the right panel and you can draw shapes ont he pitch by pressing availables buttons. When the shapes are on the pitch, you can move, resize them and perhaps edit instructions where there is a text.

How to print the match board ?

You should use the "Print" button in the right panel. It will apply a "Top view" and lauch the printing dialog box. Or, you can use options in the menu of your browser, but some informations could be hidden.

How to save or load a match board ?

You can open the right panel and you can press the "Save & load data" button. A dialog will open, and you can :

Which type of pointer can we use ?

You could use mouse and keyboard. You can use the whell mouse to zoom or unzoom.

There are clipping with that scene ?

I have too :)

Why don't you have use WebGL ?

My computer is too old and slow (now) :) There would also clipping ;)

What are minimal requirements ?

It works with Chrome Version 49.0.2623.112 m. It's supposed to run with Microsoft Edge. Try your chance with others.

Can you tell us something else ?

Perhaps, send me a mail, you find it in my curriculum vitae. If I not answer, there is a cause. Aimons-les.